
Benzodiazepine Information Coalition

Benzodiazepine Information Coalition is a nonprofit organization educating about the potential adverse effects of benzodiazepines taken as prescribed.

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Inner Compass Initiative

Inner Compass Initiative

A platform that provides more informed choices regarding all things “mental health.” For more information about drugs, go to the Learn/Unlearn section.

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The Withdrawal Project

Inner Compass Initiative’s Withdrawal Project provides comprehensive information and community for anyone looking to teach themselves about safer psychiatric medication tapering protocols, how to prepare for withdrawal, and how to cope with difficult withdrawal experiences.

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MedShadow is nonprofit health journalism telling the whole truth about the risks and benefits of medicines.

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Open Excellence

Open Excellence

Open Excellence funds independent research and innovative programs and disseminates information to transform mental health care outcomes.

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Mad In America

MIA is the pre-eminent journalism website that offers stories, news, debate, and science around the issues of mental health, psychiatry, and the current paradigm of mental illness.

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Council for Evidence-Based Psychiatry (U.K.)

A British website that highlights the latest medical research on the failures and problems associated with psychiatric medications.

Please see their very useful page which lists many websites that offer support and information for people withdrawing from psychiatric drugs.

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Excellent doctor-run website that catalogues the risks and side effects of commonly prescribed drugs, including psychiatric drugs. Includes a searchable database of over 6 million reports of adverse events reported to the FDA, Health Canada, and RxISK.

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Harvard educated psychiatrist, Dr. Peter Breggin, was one of the first dissident voices, critical of psychiatric drugs.

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David Healy

The informative blog of Dr. David Healy, psychiatrist, researcher, university professor.

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Joanna Moncrieff

Dr. Joanna Moncreiff of the U.K., psychiatrist, academic, and researcher.

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Guidance for Psychological Therapists

A guide for therapists and other mental health professionals about talking with those they help about taking or withdrawing from psychiatric drugs.

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An organization whose mission is to the use standards of scientific inquiry to address the ethics of psychology and psychiatry

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Antidepressant Risks

Learn about the Risks of antidepressants, watch and listen to real stories from people who were harmed.

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International Institute for Psychiatric Drug Withdrawal

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Safest Drug

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